
MyEclipse+CFEclipse+FB2+RDS >= DW

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  • #250429 Reply

    I did a presentation on Eclipse and CFEclipse (a ColdFusion IDE plugin) at our CFUG last week and while there I plugged MyEclipse bigtime. Since CF is a J2EE app and many of the community leaders are/have been serious Java developers as well, adoption of Eclipse is growing amongst CF developers.

    AFAIK, a couple people have switched since.

    Also I beat up on a buddy yesterday for using Dreamweaver and he IMed me last night saying MyEclipse+CFE+Subversion+FlexBuilder2+RDS=rockin cool. I think his exact words were “me likey da MyEclipse” (which is Scottspeak for “MyEclipse is hott.”) With that set of plugins, you have everything DW can do and then some, and that “then some” is important stuff (like Subversion and Flex apps) and I just wanted you to know how easy it is to sell people on this when they see the price point versus the feature set.

    Anyway, if you see a surge in memberships from the Minneapolis, MN, area in the last few days or the next few weeks, remember me in your prayers at night. 😉


    #250445 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Great post and we really appreciate the support at your CFUG meeting.

    I will pass this along to management so they are aware of this nice matchup, I surely wasn’t but am happy to see it!

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