
MyEclipse for Spring 9.0 Bootcamp – feedback

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  • #316494 Reply

    Glen Ihrig

    I just wanted to say the MyEclipse for Spring 9.0 Bootcamp webinar was one of the best yet.

    I really appreciated the speed, breadth and depth. I learned a few new things and got better insight into others.

    I especially appreciated that the presentation style includes enough detail that I can reproduce all the steps demonstrated on my own once the recorded webinar is available.

    Only two minor improvements to suggest.

    1. It would have been nice to see more of the mobile / iPhone app in action and code.
    As mentioned in the Q&A there is an extensive blog entry on mobile development at http://www.genuitec.com/blog/?p=1733. I’m looking forward to getting into this.

    2. The audio quality could have been better, but was adequate as it was.

    Thanks again for a great presentation.



    #317029 Reply


    Thanks again for the feedback, we appreciate it. We will be announcing another webinar focused on the MyEclipse G product over the next week or two.
    We would love to get everyone’s feedback who has an interest in Mobile and Cloud based development.



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