
Myeclipse – Hibernate

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  • #229661 Reply


    Hi All

    I am using MyEclipse to generate the Hibernate mapping files as well the model(table) java classes.

    What Myeclipse does is it generates an Abstract class for each model(table) & then a class which extends to the Abstract model class.

    What i want to do is to avoid generation of these abstract classes & get the whole generated code in the Model class rather than Abstract model

    Do respond


    #229731 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is not supported, the reason for that is safety reasons. The abstract class is the class deleted/regenerated by MyEclipse when you update your mappings, however the concrete subclass is left alone so this is the place to put all your customizations into (e.g. custom toString methods, custom getter methods, etc.

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