
MyEclipse HTML Tidy warning markers [Closed]

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  • #233888 Reply


    Eclipse 3.1
    MyEclipse 4.0M2_3.1

    I have a number of web projects that include generated HTML (JavaDocs, JUnit results etc).

    Regardless of how I set my HTML validation options, I see large numbers of “MyEclipse HTML Tidy” warnings in the problem pane. These problems are independant of the HTML validation errors as I see new errors when I enable this validation.

    I can filter “MyEclipse HTML Tidy” entries in the problem pane but I can not:
    – remove the markers from the left hand side of the HTML pages
    – remove the markers from the files in the package explorer
    – turn off this validation

    I searched the forums and found some similar topics but nothing that matched what I am seeing.

    #233926 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Please navigate to your Project or Workbench level options and turn off HTML validation at both levels (or set your project to honor workbench settings). Then right click in your project > MyEclispe > Remove all Error Markers. Then be sure Project > Automatically BUild is on, and then do Project > Clean.. to rebuild your project. Sometimes the error markers get stuck.

    #234006 Reply


    Thanks. That has fixed it.

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