
MyEclipse insists on deploying to old project directory

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  • #316250 Reply


    I recently had something happen to the included libraries in my project.The solution was to create a new project. I did the following steps:
    1.Original project was called TEC
    2. Created new project named TECnew
    3. Copied .jsp files and .java files from TEC to TECnew
    4. in MyEclipse used File->Rename to rename TEC to TECold
    5. in MyEclipse used File->Rename to rename TECnew to TEC

    I then add a deployment on the server tab by Right Clicking on Tomcat5.x and selecting Add Deployment.
    In the New Deployment dialog I select TEC from the Project drop down list box.
    The deploy location is listed as C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\TECnew.
    Why is it insisting on deploying to the TECnew directory (the original project name) instead of the TEC directory?
    Is there a way to change this?


    #316284 Reply


    I don’t think this question is rocket science. Somehow when the project was renamed, the workspace directory was renamed, but the deployment directory was not. Is there someone at Genuitec or the user community who can tell me where the directory a web project is deployed to can be changed? Thanks!

    #316292 Reply



    You can create a new launch configuration for Tomcat from Windows > Preferences > MyEclipse > Servers > Tomcat 5.x > Launch > Create Launch Configuration. You can change the deployment base directory here.

    Attached is the screenshot for your reference.

    Let me know if you have further issues.

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