
MyEclipse Installation Directory

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  • #296118 Reply


    Installing MyEclipse 7.0 in a custom directory does not give the expected results.

    I chose to install MyEclipse in a different directory from the default directory, and 38 MB of MyEclipse were installed in this directroy.

    However, 147 MB were installed in the directory C:\Program Files\Genuitec

    This is a folder I never chose, and where I do not want to put anything.

    –> Why does the MyEclipse installation offer to choose an installation directory, when the major part of it still gets installed somewhere else?
    And is there a way to make MyEclipse install everything in the directory I want?

    thank you,

    #296182 Reply


    Hi Stefan,

    You can customize MyEclipse install location. Please refer to this tutorial here http://www.myeclipseide.com/documentation/quickstarts/install/

    #296228 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I guess you are talking about the common directory. Please note that 7.0 has two path configuring options – one for the profile and the other for the commons dir. Make sure both are configured to the desired locations.

    #298023 Reply



    ok but I still have the problem that I cannot set the Pulse installation directory. Is there any way to customize that?


    #298080 Reply

    Loyal Water

    There is a manual workaround for doing this. You can pre-create the .pulse2.locator file in you home dir, and point it at any dir they want, when the installer is run, Pulse will honor whatever path you put in that file.

    #298450 Reply


    @support-nipun wrote:

    There is a manual workaround for doing this. You can pre-create the .pulse2.locator file in you home dir, and point it at any dir they want, when the installer is run, Pulse will honor whatever path you put in that file.

    Still consider myself fairly green to MyElipse. Could you elaborate on “pre-creating the .pulse2.locator file”? Where would this file reside in Windows XP and what would it contain (example please).General comment, I found it frustrating and somewhat pathetic that I would have to find a work around to install this product in folder other then it’s default location EVEN when it gives you the option to select an alternative installation directory. As the first post stated it puts most the contents in “C:\Program Files\Genuitec” even though I selected a different location. Come on Genuitec, this isn’t MyEclipse pre-alpha 1.0 release!!! Can you not get something as trivial as this to work?

    #298494 Reply



    Can you check under C:\Documents and Settings\[user name] for .pulse2.locator file? It will point you to your ME installation dir.

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