
MyEclipse installed properly?? [Closed]

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  • #197347 Reply

    I just downloaded MyEclipse and wanted to start evalution. In the tutorial I read:

    “The JSP wizard consists of 2 pages. The first page defines the JSP’s location and name within the project. The second page is for defining the web.xml deployment descriptor definition and location. We start with page-1 and enter the following helloWorld JSP details:”

    When I start the JSP Wizard I only get one 1 page, the page where you must enter/edit the web.xml is not shown. When using the servlet wizard I this 2nd page does apear. Is my installation of MeEclipse in-correct or is it normal not to see this second page?

    #197351 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Is my installation of MeEclipse in-correct or is it normal not to see this second page?

    Sorry for the confusion. That’s a “documentation bug”. The JSP wizard only has one page. The servlet wizard has two. We’ll get the tutorials proofread a little closer in the next release.

    MyEclipse Support

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