
MyEclipse installer doesn’t run on Windows 2003

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  • #251084 Reply


    For a test setup we installed Windows 2003 on one of our workstations and configured it for desktop use. Eclipse itself runs fine, but when trying to install MyEclipse the provided installer immediately quits.

    I tried to run the installer in compatibility mode, but it keeps quitting. Is there a fix or workaround for this? Have you ever tested on Windows 2003 yourself?

    #251090 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We’ve had a few folks report issues on Win2k3, while I’ve personally tested on both Win2k3 and Windows XP Pro 64-bit which is based on the 2k3 platform, both have worked for me… but that is hardly helpful for you I know.

    In the cases where the installer gets pissy, we always suggest people use the Manual Install, which I imagine as a long time user you have probably used by now. I’ll make a note in our issue tracker to get a 2k3 machine setup to re-test on though, the InstallShield installer can get squirrely.

    #251740 Reply


    I meet the same problem,waiting for ur resovlution

    #251757 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The resolution (for now) is to use the Manual Install.

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