
MyEclipse interferes with other plugin (jBPM designer)

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  • #241019 Reply

    After installing MyEclipse to evaluate it I find that it takes over opening XML configuration files that previously belonged to another plugin – the jBPM process designer. The graphic designer no longer opens and have to edit raw XML. Unfortunately, I have had to reinstall Eclipse and not install MyEclipse IDE to get the jBPM stuff working again.

    I would really like to try out MyEclipseIDE but am worried that it will affect other tools I require.. Anyone else noticed this? Is there anything I can do to get it to work without taking over files that don’t belong to it?

    #241024 Reply


    You can repriortize the opening behavior of various files in the Eclipse preferences. Go to Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations, then select the file type of the jBPM process designer. When you select that file, you should see the jBPM editor listed in the list of Associated Editors. Select the jBPM editor and click the “Default” button. Then when you do have files that you want to open with the MyEclipse Tools that have this same extension you can just right-click on the file and do “Open With > MyEclipse …”.

    #280451 Reply


    I try to install jbpm in myeclipse 6.0, also I installed the plugin but my eclipse show the following message “Locate JBoss Jbpm Runtime” and i didn’t find it.

    Can you help me with that?

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