
MyEclipse JSP Editor does not like JSP file include statemen

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  • #260753 Reply


    I just installed Eclipse 3.2.1 and MyEclipse Version: 5.0 GA Build id: 20060805-5.0-GA. I am running
    Sun JDK 1.5.0_09 on RHE 3 WS system.

    When I display one of my JSP files, I am getting a validation error on statements like the following:

    <%@ include file=”/includes/webTrendsDataCollector.jsp” %>

    The validation error is: “Syntax error, insert “Finally” to complete TryStatement”

    Please help me resolve this.


    #260755 Reply

    This error isn’t as simple as I originally outlined. I looked at another file and discovered that it does not flag every <%@ include file=”/includes/webTrendsDataCollector.jsp” %>. Only some of them. Take a look at the following snippet:

    <%@ include file="/includes/tag_lib_defs.jspf" %>
    <tiles:insert definition="footer.comp" />
    <%@ include file="/includes/webTrendsDataCollector.jsp" %>

    The JSP editor only flags the second “include file” statement, but not the first one.

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