
MyEclipse NOT picking up Weblogic Library Path

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  • #231077 Reply


    Hi Support Team,

    I am trying to rum my webApp in MyEclipse. I have configured MyEclipse to run the webApp in Weblogic 8.1. One of my servlets references a dll. I have tried a couple of scenarios.

    1) The location of the dll is in the MyEclipse -> Weblogic 8.1 -> Library Path but not in my system path.
    Results : Does NOT work

    2) The location of the dll is in the MyEclipse -> Weblogic 8.1 -> Library Path and is in my system path.
    Results : Does works

    2) The location of the dll is NOT in the MyEclipse -> Weblogic 8.1 -> Library Path but is in my system path.
    Results : Does works

    It seems that MyEclipse does not care / reference the MyEclipse -> Weblogic 8.1 -> Library Path at all.

    Is this a know issue? Is there any resolution to this problem?

    OS: Windows 2000 Pro
    Eclipse: 3.0.2
    MyEclispe: 3.8.4
    SDK: 1.4.2_05

    #231104 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This sounds like a bug to me, but not we are not currently aware of any Library Path issues. Does the path to the DLL include spaces in it? (C:\Program Files\etc.) Can you try copying the DLL to a dir without spaces like C:\testDLL, then add that via library path and remove it from Ssytem path, did that work?

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