- This topic has 7 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 3 months ago by
Loyal Water.
I know MyEclipse is not yet supported officially (or easily) on Galileo, but I’ve heard rumor some have had “some success” with it. Anyone here tried to install bits and pieces of MyEclipse on Galileo and care to share experiences…?
support-joyMemberAs you said… it is a *rumour*.
MyEclipse is currently not supported on Galileo. Keep a lookout for ME 8.0 which is based on base Eclipse 3.5 classic.
sjenningMember@support-joy wrote:
As you said… it is a *rumour*.
MyEclipse is currently not supported on Galileo. Keep a lookout for ME 8.0 which is based on base Eclipse 3.5 classic.When will the RC/M for 8 be released? I would like to start testing.
loomaxMemberMaybe it would be good if Myeclipse would prerelease a version within the features of the standard edition are looked at once and let people play with it.
I think the release process is getting more complicated as more and more features are integrated into myeclipse.
Loyal WaterMemberWhen will the RC/M for 8 be released?
We don’t have a date for the Milestone release of 8.0 just yet but I’ll try and get a rough approximate for you asap.
Riyad KallaMemberMaybe it would be good if Myeclipse would prerelease a version within the features of the standard edition are looked at once and let people play with it.
That is sort of the whole purpose of the Milestone releases we do. We have a Milestone 1 release planned for the end of this month.
I think the release process is getting more complicated as more and more features are integrated into myeclipse.
Absolutely right — the more functionality there is, the longer the QA cycles and the more code that has to be ported ontop of a new platform and re-vetted to ensure we didn’t break something.
The up shot is that with MyEclipse 8.0 we are rolling out the first few modules for MyEclipse Lite — it’s a Pulse-enabled technology allowing you to physically install/uninstall the portions of the IDE you want and the ones you don’t want (and of course add them back later if you need them)… so you can dial down your IDE to the bare bones features you need so it uses less memory and starts up faster.
In addition to that, we already have a few hundred bug fixes and enhancements coming in 8.0 that will be in M1 — we’ll do an M2 after that, then pickup the 3.5.1 release and then do a GA release in October roughly.
Trying to do a GA release *right* before the 3.5.1 release comes out and then hoping that it doesn’t break us is a suicide mission… we tried that in 3.x and 4.x and 1 more time in 5.x before we realized the .1 patch releases are just too big to hope that they don’t break us, so now we integrate them into our release process and full QA sweep.
In the mean time you guys will have 2 months to beat the hell out of ME 8 and let us know what you find and we’ll tighten it up until it’s bursting at the seams with awesome. That’s actually in a design doc somewhere 😉
Ronald TraskMemberI guess 11/23 is roughly October 🙂
I tried to add my eclipse to my installed Galileo, but it’s not working. Do I have to install eclipse classic Instead of the J2EE version?
Here is the error I am getting.
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: MyEclipse Base 8.0.0.me200911192202-E39692GNAnz0G5T_Oz-ieU-z-dz0 (com.genuitec.myeclipse.base.feature.group 8.0.0.me200911192202-E39692GNAnz0G5T_Oz-ieU-z-dz0)
Software currently installed: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (epp.package.jee
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
Dali Java Persistence Tools – Core 2.2.1.me200911090405 (org.eclipse.jpt.core 2.2.1.me200911090405)
Dali Java Persistence Tools – Core 2.2.1.v200908270220 (org.eclipse.jpt.core 2.2.1.v200908270220)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: MyEclipse Base 8.0.0.me200911192202-E39692GNAnz0G5T_Oz-ieU-z-dz0 (com.genuitec.myeclipse.base.feature.group 8.0.0.me200911192202-E39692GNAnz0G5T_Oz-ieU-z-dz0)
To: org.eclipse.jpt.core [2.2.1.me200911090405]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (epp.package.jee
To: org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.feature.feature.group []
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Java EE IDE Feature (org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.feature.feature.group
To: org.eclipse.jpt.feature.feature.group 0.0.0
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Dali Java Persistence Tools 2.2.1.v200908270220-7L7OALFBBoPR9QdeWV1je (org.eclipse.jpt.feature.feature.group 2.2.1.v200908270220-7L7OALFBBoPR9QdeWV1je)
To: org.eclipse.jpt.core [2.2.1.v200908270220]
Loyal WaterMemberDo I have to install eclipse classic Instead of the J2EE version?
Yes, you need to setup MyEclipse with Eclipse Classic. That could be causing the problem here.