
MyEclipse overwrites my web.xml

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  • #269521 Reply



    If i have a directory with a layout:

    — here are my sources
    — many jsp-s
    /webroot/WEB-INF/web.xml — my web.xml

    If I create a new web-project in myeclipse pointing to this directory, my web.xml file will be overwritten by myeclipse with an empty web.xml

    Don’t overwrite any files! In some countries you can be killed for that! Joke.

    Please fix it.


    #269561 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    How are you creating the new project? Are you going to File > New > New Project and just overlaying it in an existing directory, or are you adding Web Capabilities to an existing project?

    We agree, no files should be overwritten no matter what.

    #269631 Reply


    I go File > New > New Project for that, and point in to the directory i have the files in.

    Other thing. I didn’t get your replyes on my e-mail.

    #269640 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I go File > New > New Project for that, and point in to the directory i have the files in.

    I see, I’ll make a note that the project wizard assumes it’s being used for a new project and not laid ontop of an existing one.

    Other thing. I didn’t get your replyes on my e-mail.

    We have been doing some site upgrades and it’s possible it interrupted the mail notification.

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