Eclipse V3.0 M4
MyEclipse V 3.6.2
Operating Systems: SuSE Linux 8.2
Application Server: JBoss 3.2.1
Number of Eclipse plugins starting with org.eclipse.pde.*: 14
JDK to launch Eclipse: Sun j2sdk1.4.2
JDK to launch your server: Sun j2sdk1.4.2
Problem description:
Case 1.
I followed the instruction in Help to create a Hello World plugin in chapter
“Ant and External Tools”.
Immediate after generating the plugin a warning message is show:
Problems encountered loading the plugins registry.
Problems encountered org.eclipse.core.runtime.
Case 2.
To isolate the problem I created a clean install of Eclipse.
Thereafer I strated Elipse on a clean workspace with:
./elipcse -data workspaceNew -showlocation
The clean install works fine.
As MyEclipse plugin was the only plugin I used in case 1, it looks like MyEclipse plugin conflicts with plugin development.