
MyEclipse Properties editor breaks property files

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  • #317205 Reply

    Udo Held


    we place some of our configuration in .property files. By default they are opened with the “MyEclipse Properties Editor”.

    As part of our configuration we do save sql strings in thoose files as well, which can be quite long, so we break them up over several lines.

    When editing properties we encounter the following behaviour. We always use the “Source” view.

    myproperty=long line 1 \
    long line 2 \
    long line 3

    After saving and opening the file we see:
    myproperty=long line 1 long line 2 long line 3
    long line 2 \
    long line 3
    sometimes the third lines adds to the second one as well.

    This reformatted file leads to confusion and makes the properties unmaintainable.

    How can this behavior be avoided?

    Kind regards

    #317236 Reply



    I could replicate this issue when the file is opened with “MyEclipse Properties Editor”.
    I will file a PR for the dev team to look into it.

    As a workaround, you can try opening the file with Properties File Editor or Text Editor.
    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    #317266 Reply

    Udo Held

    Is there a way to globally disable the “MyEclipse Properties Editor”. As far as I figured it out its saved on a per workspace per file basis.

    Kind regards

    #317276 Reply



    It is not possible to globally disable the “MyEclipse Properties Editor”.
    The only way is to remove the “MyEclipse Properties Editor” from the associated editors list for .properties files under Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.

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