When starting MyEclipse, it gets to the splash banner and begins loading various packages. It eventually hangs. I’m on Windows XP with MyEclipse 6.0.1. Recently our team checked in our .project into source control so I have a new copy of that file. This worked fine for me the first few days and for everyone else. I looked in the .log file in the only .metadata directory I have on my machine, so I’m assuming it’s my workspace. This message appears a few hours ago. I’ve killed Java several times since then and tried to restart and get the same result, but no new errors.
Is there some way to delete the project from the workspace so I can start cleanly and then build a new project? I can’t find anything on the web about deleting a project in eclipse from a config file.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui.ide 4 4 2007-11-28 10:15:12.302
!MESSAGE Problems occurred opening the selected resources.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.core.resources 4 567 2007-11-28 10:15:12.312
!MESSAGE The project description file (.project) for Targeting Changes is missing. This file contains important information about the project. The project will not function properly until this file is restored.