
MyEclipse Tomcat 6 not recognizing JSP changes

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  • #326091 Reply


    Hi all,
    since some days the MyEclipse integrated Tomcat 6 does not recognize changes of my JSPs so i have to manually copy them into the tomcat webapp directory. Before i could modify a JSP, reload the page in the browser and the modification was visible. I think i have not changed any configuration and can not find any option how to reanable the auto propagation of JSP changes. Any help would be very appreciated.

    best regards & thanks

    #326093 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you answer some more questions for us?

    1. Can you share the installation details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details ? Paste them here for us.

    2. Can you please modify the JSP file , browse to the deployment directory and check if the time stamp for the changed files are updated or not?

    3. Can you switch to a new workspace , go to MyEclipse > Examples On Demand and install the SimpleJSPExample project into the workspace? Check if you see the issue with this project.

    4. If you are still seeing the issue, open up the server connector for MyEclipse Tomcat from Server’s view and click on “Restore MyEclipse Tomcat Server Installation”.

    Let us know how it works for you.

    #326098 Reply


    thanks for the fast response, so here the answers to your questions:


    *** Date: 
    Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012 14:37 Uhr MESZ
    *** System properties:
    OS version=6.1.0
    OS arch=amd64
    Profile arch=x86_64
    Window system=win32
    Java version=1.6.0_13
    Workspace=file:/C:/Users/user/Workspaces/MyEclipse 10/
    VM Args=-Xmx2500m
    C:\Apps\MyEclipse\MyEclipse 10\../../../Users/user/AppData/Local/MyEclipse/Common/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar
    *** Subscription information
    Product Id: E2MY (MyEclipse Standard Subscription)
    License version: 2.1
    Full Maintenance Included
    Subscription expiration date (YYYYMMDD): 20121125
    Number of users: 1
    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 10.1
    Build id: 10.1-20120316
    Blueprint: MyEclipse 10
    Eclipse startup command=-os
    C:\Apps\MyEclipse\MyEclipse 10\myeclipse.exe
    C:\Apps\MyEclipse\MyEclipse 10\../../../Users/user/AppData/Local/MyEclipse/Common/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.i18n.win32.win32.x86_64_4.2.0.v201201111650\eclipse_4201.dll
    C:\Apps\MyEclipse\MyEclipse 10\../../../Users/user/AppData/Local/MyEclipse/Common/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar
    C:\Apps\MyEclipse\MyEclipse 10
    C:\Apps\MyEclipse\MyEclipse 10\configuration

    2: the jsp in the deploy directory is not updated.

    3: it works with the simple project and also with my project when i import it into the new workspace.

    4: Restore MyEclipse Tomcat Server Installation does not help

    One other strange thing is, when i start MyEclipse i only see “MyEclipse Derby” in the server list. I have to click on “Configure Server Connector” and then on Tomcat 6 to see it in the server list. But this behaviour existed also before my current problem occoured.

    thanks for your help.

    #326123 Reply



    1. Do you see the issue with Sandbox Tomcat not being displayed in the server’s view in the new workspace too? Can you check if the MyEclipse Tomcat is enabled by default in the Configure Server window ?

    2. Did you install any third party plugins which might have caused this issue?

    3. Clear the contents of the .log file which is located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log , replicate the issue and paste the contents of the .log file here for us.

    4. There might be some problem with the old workspace. I suggest you import your projects to new workspace.

    Let us know how it works for you.

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