
MyEclipse vs. Borland Together

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  • #205152 Reply


    I have just started at a small company which is using Borland Together as their IDE. It is possible that we can all begin using Eclipse/MyEclipse as the other developers are not too attached to Together, and the price and feature set of MyEclipse is quite attractive. I have used Eclipse and MyEclipse and I really like it, so if I can present a convincing case to my development manager for using MyEclipse then I’ll be a happy coder, and I won’t have to learn to use Together.

    I am not an expert/power user of MyEclipse and I have just started looking at Together, so I’m searching for help in creating a feature list and comparison between the two products. Perhaps a MyEclipse salesperson can chime in on this. From what I can tell MyEclipse is only lacking Together’s ability to do round-trip UML modeling (generation of Java source from UML diagrams, and generation of UML diagrams from Java sources). It appears that this is a planned feature for the next release, but in the mean time perhaps there is an UML modeling tool plugin for Eclipse which can provide Java code generation and UML diagram generation functionality and which works in tandem with MyEclipse ? Also it apears that the overall J2EE development is easier with MyEclipse, in that it is designed expressly for this type of development (good support for Struts, XML, EJBs, XDoclet, etc.), but perhaps a more seasoned user of Together can comment on how it compares.

    Any feedback will be greatly appreciated — thanks in advance.


    #205153 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    James, I don’t know much about Together (unless you are talking about Together J which became Together Control Center, which I’ve always known as only a UML tool…) but I can chime in for an Eclipse UML plugin, the free or commercial versions of Omonodo are excellent at this.

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