
MyEclipse Web Project + Spring + Hibernate

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  • #280846 Reply


    Hi ALL,

    I am new to newbie with hibernate and I am looking for guidance. I have bought several books and surf the web looking for some answers. I am trying to set up an web application that has a bindirectional key. Sound so simple, however, the session issue with the web is killing me.

    I have read there are two ways of solving this problem but I cannot find an example. Also, how would you implement these techniques using myEclipse. Since, it generates code how am I to use this code.

    1. Do I use springDAO or basicDAO
    2. Does myEclipse code work better with filters or a static session
    3. Are there example of using myEclipse code working with either + a web project

    I feel I understand the problem but how do I work within the tool for a solution?

    I can’t be the only one lost here. Or could I?

    #280883 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I think you might be stuck/confused because you might be making the problem harder than it needs to be.

    When you rev-eng Hibernate code in MyEclipse, and tell it to generate the POJOs and DAOs for you (you can only choose BasicDAO in a hibernate-only app, you can generate Spring DAOs in a Hibernate/Spring project, but lets stick to basics) and then immediately use them to add/remove/update/get your entities right from the data base.

    Have you gone through our Hibernate tutorials on our Educational Materials page:

    also you can grab some Hibernate web projects ready-to-use right from MyEclipse > Examples On-Demand menu.

    #281099 Reply



    Is there an example of a web project using spring and hibernate together. I have done the hibernate examples but they are java applications and implementing hibernate in a web application is somewhat different.

    #281198 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Not Spring & Hibernate together in the same webproject, but there are two web projects in EoD that provide Spring and Hibernate separately that might help:

    * MyBlogStrutsHibernateExample
    * DWRSpringJPAExample

    #285194 Reply

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