
MyEclipse XML Editor – Internal Error [Closed]

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  • #213946 Reply

    Terry Roe


    I am using 3.8.1 with all quick fixes installed. Any time I try to use the MyEclipse XML Editor to open an XML file I get the following error. Any ideas?



    An internal error occurred during: “loading c:/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.webtooling.system.dtds_13.8.1/dtds/struts-config_1_1.dtd”.

    at com.ibm.etools.contentmodel.dtd.CMDocumentFactoryDTD.createCMDocument(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.contentmodel.CMPlugin.createCMDocument(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.contentmodel.modelqueryimpl.CMDocumentManagerImpl.buildCMDocument(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.contentmodel.modelqueryimpl.CMDocumentManagerImpl$AsyncBuildOperation.run(Unknown Source)
    at com.ibm.etools.contentmodel.modelqueryimpl.CMDocumentManagerImpl$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:66)

    #213949 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Can you navigate to Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Editors > XML > XML Catalog. Does the page display correctly? I’ll bet not. If it doesn’t, you’re seeing a manifestation of an Eclipse bug that interferes with plugin loading. The bug is aggrivated if you used the update site to update to version 3.8.1 because the original version of the update site included META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entries in each of the update jars. We’ve since corrected the update site, but the presense of the META-INF directories is causing the problem. The fastest fix is to shutdown Eclipse and delete all META-INF directories under <myeclipse-install>/eclipse, in all subdirectories under the features and plugins directories.

    If that’s too timeconsuming, it might be easier to download the latest installer of choice an reinstall in parallel to your current installation on a fresh Eclipse 3.0 install. We’ve updated all the installers to include all the quick fixes so you won’t need to reapply them if you take this route. Sorry for the inconvenience, but naturally it took us a little while to isolate and report the bug to Eclipse and work around it.

    #213953 Reply

    Terry Roe


    Excellent!!! It was pretty easy to do a search for the META-INF folders and delete them. That seems to have fixed this, as well as another, problem. Thanks!

    BTW, when you refered to the <myeclipse-install> directory above, it kind of threw me. I had to go to the <eclipse-install> directory and work down from there. I take <myeclipse-install> to be c:\program files\myeclipse under windows (as the default location). I searched there and there were no META-INF directories. When applying the quick fix, I went to c:\program files\myeclipse to install the quick fix, as I believe the quick fix refers to <myeclipse-install>, as well. Is this the proper location to apply the quick fix?

    Thanks again for your help. Much appreciated.


    #213956 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is this the proper location to apply the quick fix?

    TR yes the quickfixes go into the myeclipse dir (to overwrite the plugins that ME ships)

    #213963 Reply

    Terry Roe


    I’m not sure that you completely understood my question. It seems that the MyEclipse plugins get installed in two locations. I have an Eclipse (not MyEclipse) directory at c:\eclipse. I also have a MyEclipse directory at c:\program files\MyEclipse. The plugins seem to go in both locations. Also, when I did the fix suggested by Scott above, I couldn’t find any META-INF folders under c:\program files\MyEclipse\plugins and features, but they did exist in c:\eclipse\plugins and features. So, my question still stands. Where is one “supposed” to deploy the quick fix. If you clearly understand my question, and you say that it’s supposed to go under c:\program files\MyEclipse\plugins, I’ll accept that. But I suspect that the quick fix really needs to go under c:\eclipse\plugins.

    Thanks in advance for help me clarify this issue.


    #213968 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The plugins *should not* be duplicated uner the Eclipse folder, so yes my answer still stands, but this naturally leads me to the next question “why do you have ME in the Eclipse/plugins folder as well”?

    Are you sure that its a duplication? Do you see all the com.ibm.etools plugins in there or do you just see a few overlapped? Have you checked for log file for an incessent amount of “XYZ cannot be loaded, it has already been loaded” error messages?

    Have you done a manual install before or used the installed to install to these locations?

    MyEclipse uses the “Extension” mechanism of Eclipse to install itself, this allows us to keep our 130+ plugins separated in a different directory, but still have it linked into the Eclipse platform by way of an “extension” (used to be “Link” in previous release)… by having the ME plugins in the Eclipse/plugins dir this totally defeats that mechanism BUT still might work just fine… maybe you can help us track down what happened here…

    #213973 Reply

    Terry Roe


    Yes, I have seen several “Could not intstall bundle” messages in the error log. It’s hard to say what the history of this installation is. I had 3.8 Beta 2 for a long while. I upgraded to GA and had oodles of problems, so went back to Beta 2. Then I went to 3.8.1 and had problems there. So, I’ve installed and uninstalled several times. I wouldn’t mind having a clean install of everything, so what can you suggest as a procedure to get a clean Eclipse install and the latest of everything for MyEclipse? Should I use the 3.8.1 installer program, or should I do some sort of manual install, or an update, or…. It gets a little confusing with all the updates, quick fixes, install programs, etc.

    I’ll start over with a clean upacking of Eclipse (after doing an uninstall on MyEclipse first). Then I’ll wait to hear your suggestion for getting MyEclipse installed with the latest of everything.

    BTW, would I have to do change anything in my “workspace”, like delete any files or folders from existing MyEclipse projects?

    Thanks for your detailed response. I hope to get this all cleared up soon.


    #213976 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    TR here is a detailed walkthrough fo the process: http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-4.html#156

    I personally would suggest the following:

      1) Export prefs from current setup
      2) Unzip a fresh copy of Eclipse to C:\eclipse\eclipse-3.0
      3) Unzip a fresh manual install of ME to C:\myeclipse\myeclipse-3.8.1
      4) (optional) apply the latest quickfix just incase it wasn’t applied to the manual install you have: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-3514.html
      5) Now start Eclipse, Help > Software Updats > Manage Conifg > (right click) > “Add…” > (point to C:\myeclipse\myeclipse-3.8.1) > hit OK and restart
      6) Window > Prefs > Import… and import your preferences
      7) (optional) restart for good measure

    That is the 10k foot view of those details I just posted and the manual install instructions. I prefer the manual install just because you get to see exactly what’s happening, even thought he auaotmatically installer does the same thing too.

    As far as what you should clean out of your workspace, you shouldn’t need to clean out anything, the only dir that needs to be erased is <eclipse>\configuration, but that will be implicitly erased when you install Eclipse to its new location (technically its just not created yet).

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