
MyEclipseIde and Struts source code and ant build

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  • #225868 Reply



    I would like to ask two questions:

    1. I would like to debug the struts source code in the weblogic server. Therefore, I download struts source code from jakarta com. But how do I let myeclipse know about this source code so I can breakpoint in the struts code in the weblogic application server?

    2. How do I view the ant build.xml that MyEclipseIDE generates for the web project, the ejb project and/or the ear project?

    Thank you.

    #225876 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) You will need to attach the source code to the struts.jar file that is in your build path. That way the debugger will be able to find the source code. The easiest way to do this is find a Struts class in your editor (like Action), CTRL-Click on it and then click the “Attach Source” button and browse over to your Struts source and it will attach it to the JAR for you.

    2) There is no build.xml file, we looked at using Ant when we first started MyEclipse but it didn’t support all the functionality we needed so we use a custom build system that is internal to MyEclipse.

    #225877 Reply


    Thank you for the quick reply.

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