
.mymetadata mixed line endings on Linux – MyEclipse 4.1.1

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  • #250846 Reply

    I just installed MyEclipse 4.1.1. I discovered a bug where MyEclipse is writing mixed EOLs (LF and CRLF) into the .mymetadata file. This occurs when creating a new Web project and when checking out a project from CVS.

    I am running MyEclipse on Red Hat Enterprise 3 WS.

    #250932 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What was the bug exactly?

    #250982 Reply

    When I create a new Web project on my Linux system, a .mymetadata file is created, which is an XML file. Since my platform is Linux, shouldn’t this file be created/edited as a UNIX text file? If so, then the
    line ending characters should only be linefeeds. There shouldn’t be carriage returns at the end of the

    The file that was created on my system has both. Some lines only have linefeeds. Other lines have both carriage returns and linefeeds. It looks like MyEclipse can’t decide which platfrom its running on 🙂

    Below, is an example of the .mymetadata file that was created. The lines that end with “^M” are the
    lines that have carriage returns. The other lines only have linefeeds.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>^M
        <attribute name="webrootdir" value="web" />^M

    Where this causes the greatest pain is when checking this file into CVS. I currently have this file identified as a text file to CVS. I could mark it as binary, then I don’t care what line endings it has. But, it might cause problems when my developer that works on Windows uses it. 🙂

    #250990 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ahh, ok I wasn’t sure what the actual problem was, I was aware of the mixed line feeds. I added you as a +1 to the bug to resolve this. Hopefully it’s a quick fix.

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