
Need help getting jFreeChart to work

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  • #243980 Reply


    I am trying to get jFreeChart to work in a Java application using a simple example program from the jFreeChart Developer’s Guide, but get a case of “red squiggles” (compiler errors) on every reference to a jFreeChart object. I have tried adding the directory that contains jcommon-1.0.0.jar and jfreechart-1.0.0.jar to the Project build path (Link additional source to project), but am still having trouble. Any help will be greatly appreciated, but please keep it simple. Thanks again.

    #243989 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev.

    John, you don’t want to add the DIRs, you want to add the JARs themselves to your Java Build Path > Libraries tab.

    #244003 Reply


    OK, I created a project named jFreeChart and with it selected, I right-clicked and went to Build Path | Add Libraries | User Libraries | New and gave it a name of jFreeChartLib. Then Add Jars and selected jcommon-1.0.0.jar and jfreechart-1.0.0.jar. then open | OK | Finish. At this point, I can see jFreeChartLib in my Package Explorer with the two Jars below it.

    Back to the jFreeChart project, create a package named chapter04, and under that a class named First.

    Still all the “red squiggles”. What am I doing wrong?

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