I have a Maven based application project in MyEclipse with web capabilities added so that I may use MyEclipse built in deploy to server feature with a WebLogic 10x connector.
I am able to get pretty much everything deployed in its right place except for my UI files (JSP files) which are under a sub directory of the WEB_INF folder called “views”
How do I get MyEclipse to deploy tjhese files correctly ?
I have project folder structure like this:
/src/main/java — Java files which are part of the build path, MyEclipse correctly places them into the /classes sub-folder of the WEB-INF it deploys
/src/main/resources — property files/Spring config files also made part of the build path – MyEclipse correctly places them too in the /classes sub-folder of the WEB-INF
/src/main/webapp << This is what I set as my default web root when adding web capabilities. It contains my project source WEB-INF, and under that folder is a /views folder containing all my JSPS
/src/main/webapp/views — this is where my JSPs are, using Spring 3 configuration. I made it part of my build path buit the problems is since build path is set to \classes it dumps these files into that folder instead of the WEB-INF/views where I need them. The result is my web app deployed fails to function
I have no ideas on how to get these files deployed to the proper location easily. Anyone have any ideas?