
New C++ project in Windows 10 shows white Toolchain panel

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  • #544536 Reply


    I am using Windows 10 with Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a) Build id: 20171117-1516. When creating a new C++ project, the C++ Project window opens by default showing Project type:Executable/Empty project with the toolchains on the righ panel and everything looks fine. But if I click on a different project type, the right Toolchain panel goes totally white and shows nothing. This does not happen without Darkest Dark (Toolchains shows correctly for all project types). This is only happening in Windows. It does no happen in a virtual machine running Ubuntu 16.04.

    #544541 Reply

    Aaron Lara

    @kassim, Thanks for reporting this issue! Do you mind sharing screenshots for a better understanding of what is happening?

    Aaron Lara

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    #544564 Reply


    @aaronlonin, I am attaching two screenshots. The first one is OK (New C++ Project with Empty project type), but the second one shows the white Toolchains panel (New C++ Project with Hello World ARM C++ Project type selected, although the same thing happens with all other project types)


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    #545075 Reply



    It looks like my previous response is lost.Thank you for the screenshots. The dev team has already fixed the issue and the fix will be out with our next update. We will keep you posted about the fix schedule.

    You can also track the progress of the bug here : https://www.genuitec.com/issue-tracker/32325/

    Apologies for inconvenience caused.

    MyEclipse Support

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