
Newbie question: EJB XDoclet – expected wizards

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  • #221010 Reply


    As a MyEclipse newbie I ‘m a little disappointed by the low level support for adding new EJB bean and bean methods.

    I was half expecting to see some wizard style GUI that handles all of the xdoclet generation, or at least some right mouse click options that allow for the adding of new bean methods (like field, create, finder, select, business method etc)

    Are there any plans to enhance this area?

    #221045 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The EJB wizards have been part of MyEclipse for a while now, our 3.8.3 release saw some upgrades and enhancements in that area even; but modification of existing beans on the fly via wizards isn’t currently in. We will certainly file the enhancement though and weight it against others pending.

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