
No classes created upon build [Closed]

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  • #224155 Reply

    I have tried building my application in eclipse although it reports no errors, there are no classes created in the WEB-INF/classes folder so the application cannot find any servlets. Is there anywhere i can check for build errors or why it is not compiling my servlets?

    I am using eclipse 3.8.3, tomcat 5.5, other projects have compiled ok and created the appropriate class files.

    #224160 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I have tried building my application in eclipse although it reports no errors, there are no classes created in the WEB-INF/classes folder so the application cannot find any servlets. Is there anywhere i can check for build errors or why it is not compiling my servlets?

    First open up your project properties, go to MyEclipse-Web, what is your WebRoot dir set to?

    Next go to your Java Build Path and the Source tab, what are your source folder(s) set to? What is your Output folder set to?

    #224168 Reply

    Output folder was set to the wrong folder, d’oh – thanks for your help, i think i would have been ages trying to figure that one out.

    #224169 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Glad it is working now.

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