
no default Web application configured.>

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  • #264066 Reply


    Hi All:

    I am currently using MyEclipse 5.1, Weblogic 8.1 SP6.

    I was able to get the Enterprise Application Working on Weblogic 7 SP with MyEclipse 5.1 with the following url:


    When I tried on Weblogic 8 sp6, I made sure when I created the Enterprise Application it uses JDK 1.4 verseus jdk 1.3 for weblogic 7.
    When I tried the url:

    I get the following error C:\beaWeblogic81\user_projects\domains\Achievers\myserver\myserver.log:

    Found no context for “/ex07Web/jsp/Client_71.jsp”. This request does not match the context path for any installed Web applications, and there is no default Web application configured.>

    What does this mean?

    #264137 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    I’m not sure… can you login to the WebLogic Admin Console and check under applications to see if it knows about your application or if it has installed it to some other path?

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