Hi All:
I am currently using MyEclipse 5.1, Weblogic 8.1 SP6.
I was able to get the Enterprise Application Working on Weblogic 7 SP with MyEclipse 5.1 with the following url:
When I tried on Weblogic 8 sp6, I made sure when I created the Enterprise Application it uses JDK 1.4 verseus jdk 1.3 for weblogic 7.
When I tried the url:
I get the following error C:\beaWeblogic81\user_projects\domains\Achievers\myserver\myserver.log:
Found no context for “/ex07Web/jsp/Client_71.jsp”. This request does not match the context path for any installed Web applications, and there is no default Web application configured.>
What does this mean?