
No Information in JSP Editor Status Bar

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  • #213961 Reply

    Terry Roe


    There is no display information displayed in my JSP editor’s status bar. Is this a known issue? I can’t seem to find any reference to it in the forums.



    #213972 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There is no display information displayed in my JSP editor’s status bar.

    When doing what? From what you said I don’t know what you are referring to.

    #213975 Reply

    Terry Roe


    I open any JSP file in the MyEclipse JSP editor. There is no information displayed in the bottom status bar such as line and column numbers, “Insert/Overwrite”, “Writable” as there is with any other file opened in any other editor in Eclipse.

    Perhaps this is related to my bunked up installation we’ve been discussing in another thread?



    #213977 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Oh I see what you mean, that is strange. Do you want to try the fresh reinstall from the other thread and then let me know if ti works all the sudden?

    Also you might want to keep boths installs on your machine until you get the new one all setup and working then you can toast the old setup.

    #213978 Reply


    You are correct
    This information exists in xsd,dtd,xml,javascript,css etc editor, but no in jsp editor

    #214006 Reply



    today I did run in the same problem. On my PC @ work (Win2000, 512MB) there is no information in the statusbar while editing *.jsp files.

    , it works without problem (Win XP Prof., 1GB RAM).

    #214008 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I filed this bug, thank you for reporting it.

    #214014 Reply

    Terry Roe


    Just to let you know, I did a clean install and the JSP status bar information still isn’t there. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen the status bar work for JSP’s. I remember having this issue a long time ago, but forgot about it. Thanks for filing the bug report.


    #214016 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    TR thank you for the update, I got it filed with a screenshot and am surprised no one noticed it until now 😉

    #214376 Reply

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    am surprised no one noticed it until now 😉

    Well sometimes it’s unclear whether something is a bug or a feature, especially if you don’t remember what it was like in a previous release. Some examples — why is incremental find disabled in the javascript editor? Or, why, when you double click on a word in a commented line in a sql editor it does not get selected, while if you do that to an uncommented word it does? Mystery! Maybe these are features….

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