- This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 10 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
msaeedMemberI’m using MyEclipse3.8.4 with Eclipse3.1M6 on window 2000. I created an Enterprise project and it seems to work fine. Unfortunately, when I close a Enterprise project and then open it again it seems to loose reference to the web and ejb module and I get the error “No project modules assigned to enterprise project” . In the project references dialog box both the projects are selected and I have my project open too. Here is my application.xml file:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC “-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.3//EN” “http://java.sun.com/dtd/application_1_3.dtd”>
<module id=”myeclipse.1114710330813″>
<module id=”myeclipse.1114539141911″>
</application>Any helpfull responses will be greatly appreciated.
Munawar (Manny)
Riyad KallaMemberManny,
This sounds a lot like an installation issue, can you please post all the information we request in the [URL=http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-393.html]Posting Guidelines[/URL] thread at the top of this forum? That will give us some context so that we can determine if this is an installation issue, a configuration problem, or a bug. Thanks.
msaeedMemberHi Riyad,
I figured that I have to Add the modules to the enterprise project everytime I close and re-open the enterprise project.
If you still need all the information in the posting guidelines I’ll post it in a couple of hours.
Riyad KallaMemberI figured that I have to Add the modules to the enterprise project everytime I close and re-open the enterprise project.
You shouldn’t need to, we don’t hate our users 🙂
Knut Erik BallestadMember@support-rkalla wrote:
I figured that I have to Add the modules to the enterprise project everytime I close and re-open the enterprise project.
You shouldn’t need to, we don’t hate our users 🙂
Same thing happens to me on Eclipse 3.1M7, ME3.8.4bM7.
I have an enterprise project that depends on a web project and a java project. I have to re-add the web-project each time I close+open the enterprise project.
Riyad KallaMemberkeb,
Can you shut down MyEclipse, go to <workspace dir>\.metadata\ and erase the .log file, then fire it back up, open the Ent project, re-add the modules then shutdown and restart again and make sure the modules still aren’t there? If they aren’t, please copy-paste the contents of the new .log file here for us to see, maybe an exception is occuring.Also please try shutting down MYEclipse and adding the -clean command line argument to the front of the command you use to launch Eclipse, then fire it up. This will rebuild the plugin cache incase some of the plugin data is corrupt.
Knut Erik BallestadMember@support-rkalla wrote:
Can you shut down MyEclipse, go to <workspace dir>\.metadata\ and erase the .log file, then fire it back up, open the Ent project, re-add the modules then shutdown and restart again and make sure the modules still aren’t there? If they aren’t, please copy-paste the contents of the new .log file here for us to see, maybe an exception is occuring.Also please try shutting down MYEclipse and adding the -clean command line argument to the front of the command you use to launch Eclipse, then fire it up. This will rebuild the plugin cache incase some of the plugin data is corrupt.
Thanx a lot. It now works as expected, though I am not sure which one of these suggestions actually solved the prolem 🙂
Riyad KallaMemberMost likely -clean, your workspace stores ALL your information that Eclipse/MyEclipse uses (alot like a System dir of your OS), cleaning it causes Eclipse to rebuild all the cached information, which can and will get out of sync at times.