
No RAD like support in Blue for ANT task builds

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  • #347141 Reply


    : No RAD like support for EAR creation in Blue that leverages “.project, .classpath, etc.” files to export the full EAR with dependencies. In RAD, earExport ANT task used the files within an EAR project (i.e. .project and org.eclipse.wst.common.component… as well as the .classpath to incorporate dependencie. RADs earExport task would generate the “whole” EAR, i.e. all dependent jar and/or war files would be included within the EAR as specified in the project. With MEB this isn’t there and every dependency must be hard coded in the build scripts, hoping developers remember to send an email each and every JAR or module they add to a given EAR. This is very brittle and a significant shortcoming of Blue edition compared to RADs ANT task support.

    #347165 Reply



    Thank you for raising it.Can you please provide us with the ANT scripts from RAD and the workaround you use in MyEclipse to help us add the feature to MyEclipse ?

    #347336 Reply



    We have addressed the issue through our ticket system. Please check.

    #351275 Reply

    I am using MEB and Ant script to generate ear file which is not working..

    The same ant script works fine in RAD but it fails in MEB with the following erorr.

    Buildfile: C:\Data\Workspaces_85\MMWorkloadManager_Tools\AntScripts\build-ear.xml

    [echo] 09/02/2014 11:58 AM
    [echo] 09022014.1158
    [echo] C:\Data\Workspaces_85

    [echo] Change the Timestamps
    [echo] Build Ear to the local directory
    [earExport] Exporting: MMWorkloadManager_ear (Begin)
    C:\Data\Workspaces_85\MMWorkloadManager_Tools\AntScripts\build-ear.xml:61: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jst/j2ee/project/JavaEEProjectUtilities

    Please let me know how to build ear in MEB using Ant scripts.

    Folloeing is my Ant Script:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
    <project name=”BuildDataServiceEAR” basedir=”../../”>

    <property name=”earService” location=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_ear”/>

    <target name=”service-build-local-copy” depends=”init,local-service” description=”Build the Service Ear Locally, from the Local Code”/>
    <target name=”service-build-network-copy” depends=”init,network-service” description=”Build the Service Ear on the Network, from the Local Code”/>
    <target name=”service-build-local-cvs” depends=”clean-service,local-service,cleanup” description=”Build the Service Ear Locally, from CVS (Head)”/>
    <target name=”service-build-network-cvs” depends=”clean-service,network-service,cleanup” description=”Build the Service Ear on the Network, from CVS (Head)”/>

    <target name=”service-build-network-cvs-tag” depends=”get-tag,clean-service,network-service,cleanup” description=”Build the Service Ear on the Network, from CVS (Head), TAG with Build Tag” />

    <target name=”service-build-network-cvs-datetag” depends=”get-datetag,clean-service,network-service,cleanup” description=”Build the Service Ear on the Network, from CVS (Head), TAG with Date Tag”/>

    <target name=”init”>
    <format property=”display.admin” pattern=”MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a”/>
    <format property=”display.login” pattern=”MMddyyyy”/>
    <input addproperty=”display.version” message=”Version:”/>
    <echo message=”${display.admin}”/>
    <echo message=”${display.login}.${TSTAMP}”/>
    <echo message=”${basedir}”/>

    <target name=”get-tag”>
    <input addproperty=”cvsVersionTag” message=”Version Tag:”/>

    <target name=”get-datetag”>
    <format property=”dateVersion” pattern=”MM-dd-yyyyhhmm”/>
    <property name=”cvsVersionTag” value=”D${dateVersion}”/>

    <target name=”clean-service” depends=”init” />

    <target name=”cleanup”>
    <fileset dir=”${basedir}”>
    <include name=”.cvspwd”/>

    <target name=”local-service”>
    <echo message=”Change the Timestamps”/>
    <replace file=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_Web/WebContent/WEB-INF/common/footer.jsp” token=”@BUILDDATE@” value=”${display.login}.${TSTAMP}”/>
    <replace file=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_Web/WebContent/WEB-INF/common/footer.jsp” token=”@VERSION@” value=”${display.version}”/>
    <replace file=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_Service/src/java/com/hcsc/mm/workload/manager/service/utils/MMWorkloadManagerVersion.java” token=”@BUILDDATE@” value=”${display.login}.${TSTAMP}”/>
    <replace file=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_Service/src/java/com/hcsc/mm/workload/manager/service/utils/MMWorkloadManagerVersion.java” token=”@VERSION@” value=”${display.version}”/>
    <fileset dir=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_Web/WebContent/” id=”jsps2″>
    <include name=”**/*.jsp”/>
    <echo message=”Build Ear to the local directory”/>
    <delete file=”${basedir}/mmworkloadmanager.ear” failonerror=”false”/>

    <earExport EARProjectName=”MMWorkloadManager_ear” EARExportFile=”${basedir}/mmworkloadmanager.ear”/>

    <!– <ear destfile=”${basedir}/myapp.ear” appxml=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_ear/META-INF/application.xml”>
    <fileset dir=”${basedir}” includes=”*.jar,*.war”/>
    </ear> –>

    <replace file=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_Web/WebContent/WEB-INF/common/footer.jsp” token=”${display.login}.${TSTAMP}” value=”@BUILDDATE@”/>
    <replace file=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_Web/WebContent/WEB-INF/common/footer.jsp” token=”${display.version}” value=”@VERSION@”/>
    <replace file=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_Service/src/java/com/hcsc/mm/workload/manager/service/utils/MMWorkloadManagerVersion.java” token=”${display.login}.${TSTAMP}” value=”@BUILDDATE@”/>
    <replace file=”${basedir}/MMWorkloadManager_Service/src/java/com/hcsc/mm/workload/manager/service/utils/MMWorkloadManagerVersion.java” token=”${display.version}” value=”@VERSION@”/>

    <target name=”network-service” depends=”local-service”>
    <echo message=”Move Ear to the Network directory”/>
    <mkdir dir=”C:/Documents and Settings/I270586/Desktop/MMWorkloadManager/dev-ear/${display.login}.${TSTAMP}”/>
    <copy file=”${basedir}/mmworkloadmanager.ear” todir=”C:/Documents and Settings/I270586/Desktop/MMWorkloadManager/dev-ear/${display.login}.${TSTAMP}”/>


    #351292 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue. I could not replicate the issue with the ANT script you sent. The build was successful.

    Can you please give us some more details?

    1. Please share the MyEclipse Installation Details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details ?

    2. Did you install any third party plugins? If yes, please list them.

    3. Please prepare and send us a sample project which exhibits the issue and also a simpler ANT script to help us replicate the issue at our end.

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