
No Scroll Bar on Struts-Config.xml Flow View

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  • #201228 Reply

    Cal Holman

    The Flow View is not displaying all the Action Mappings while the Source view is working just fine. I cannot determine if there is a problem with a specific Action – the ones displayed are in the order of the xml file but several actions are skipped.

    There is no scroll bar to view additional entries even though i can see the top part of a action at the bottom of the screen. If i shorten the window the scroll bar appears but still displays the same subset of Actions not all of them.

    I am using Eclipse 2.1.2
    MyEclipse 2.7 (or 2.6.100)

    #201250 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Can you send the struts-config.xml file you’re using to us for evaluation? If you can email it to support@genuitec.com and include the URL to this thread for reference I can get the right people to look at it to see what’s up.

    MyEclipse Support

    #201456 Reply

    Cal Holman

    I tried v 2.6.200 and still have the same issue with the scroll bar on the Flow View not appearing or when it does only showing part of the config file.

    I sent my files in on the 24th.

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