
No UML diagram after Reverse Engineering Java Code

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  • #236645 Reply



    I have Reverse Engineering from my JAVA source code. It has created relation in a outline view.

    I am not getting a UML class diagram.

    Please could you advice me why.

    many thank

    #236656 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) Save your diagram
    2) Use UML > Auto Layout
    3) Look at the drop down right above your diagram next to the magnifying glass, click it, see all those items? Those are your different packages you can click on that likely have classes in them.

    #240282 Reply

    If I drag and drop several classes to the class diagram, only a few of them “reverse engineer” and show up in the UML. I can’t see much difference between the classes, and no Errors show up in the log.

    #240287 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are they using Java 5 features? We do not support Java 5 yet which could explain the problem you are having.

    #240292 Reply

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Are they using Java 5 features? We do not support Java 5 yet which could explain the problem you are having.

    Ah yes, well, nevermind then.
    Thanks for such a quick reply!

    #240294 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No worries, just an FYI Java 5 support should be comming soon, I believe we are trying to get it in before 5.0 if possible because it is a very popular request for the UML tool.

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