- This topic has 29 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 9 months ago by
jibbaMemberIs there now, or will there be, a non-pulse version of MyEclipse? With Pulse – upgrading to new versions of the product will not be an option for us, given the availability of less problematic (and in some cases free) IDE’s. Previous versions worked without a hitch. I really just need a yes or no answer so we can move in one direction or the other.
Riyad KallaMemberYou can always use the Archived Update Site method of installing MyEclipse or even just point at our online update site (it’s listed on the download page) to install MyEclipse into your own standalone Eclipse install.
As far as our All-in-One installers for each platform, those will always be built and bundled with Pulse going forward.
So to directly answer your question “yes” there are non-Pulse versions of MyEclipse via the update sites (online or archived) but the installer-based ones will always be Pulse based and have Pulse pre-integrated going forward.
Out of curiosity, what problems were you having with Pulse that made you want to ditch MyEclipse? We are doing update releases every 6 weeks that have quite a bit of tightening and fixing going into each release… maybe there is an opportunity for us to fix something here for your team?
I’d also point out leveraging Pulse internally can give you a give management win too with software and workspace profiles — not everyone needs this, but it’s an added benefit.
jibbaMemberThanks for the quick reply. I seem to be having the same problems that some other folks are having. Prior to the Pulse integration, I could just install, update, and work. Can’t seem to get things to work properly since Pulse got in the middle. Connection/proxy issues, updates just hang, etc. This just makes it a hassle now when it was so easy before (one of the main reasons to pay for it). We can stay away from the newer versions and perhaps look into the Archived Update Site method or the online update you mentioned – though again, that detracts from the grab it, install it, and go, simplicity that made previous versions so compelling.
Managing pulse internally wouldn’t provide us with enough benefit to offset the additional responsibility.Thanks again for the quick reply.
jibbaMemberOK. I can admit when I’m wrong. I’ve had tons of problems with getting updates since the Pulse was part of the build, but after running the latest MyEclipse upgrade (which was required even after downloading the latest all-in-one yesterday), I was finally able to get everything to work and play well. I have to say that I may actually LIKE the Pulse addition. For any gamers out there I equate it to Steam. So it was a little hairy to get it going, and I’ll have to see how quickly I can replicate this success on a new machine, but everything seems to be working out well.
harrygMemberI cannot agree. With MyEclipse 7.1 I’m stil not able to do updates behind a proxy – even not from my local archived plugins!
I spend a lot of senseless time dealing with MyEclipse 7.0.
Now the last try will be Eclipse with MyEclipse Archived Update site.
If that doesn’t work, we’ll definitely ditch MyEclipse.
jibbaMember@harryg – Yeah. Things are not as they should be. I have had very mixed success trying to replicate my above-stated success on other machines. At home and at work I continue to have random update problems (so it doesn’t appear to be just proxy related). From other threads I’ve read it appears that they may be aware of the issue and are working on something. At this point the headaches are not worth it. Prior to the Pulse integration this wasn’t an issue, so hopefully they can address it. I love the product once it’s installed though.
Riyad KallaMemberjibba,
You’re exactly right — Pulse is to developers as Steam is to gamers — that is the idea. If you remember, it took Valve 5 years to get Steam’s problems ironed out, we’ll do it faster than that, I promise 😉
That has been a non-stop pain point for us to keep updating with every release of Pulse — firewalls and proxies are incredibly customized to each environment they run in. We just released Pulse 2.4.1 that includes a new proxy configuration screen to help mitigate the fact that we just cannot automatically configure in some network environments. That might help the scenario you are in?
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christweekieMemberNo you’re not exactlt right. The Pulse / Myeclipse release at version 7.0 was garbage. They attempted a new feature in the final release candidate and it was rubbish.
7.1 won’t update properly for me and the pulse integration is awful. Let’s have a vote for a version of MyEclipse without pulse.
Steam works. My
@support-rkalla wrote:
You’re exactly right — Pulse is to developers as Steam is to gamers — that is the idea. If you remember, it took Valve 5 years to get Steam’s problems ironed out, we’ll do it faster than that, I promise 😉
That has been a non-stop pain point for us to keep updating with every release of Pulse — firewalls and proxies are incredibly customized to each environment they run in. We just released Pulse 2.4.1 that includes a new proxy configuration screen to help mitigate the fact that we just cannot automatically configure in some network environments. That might help the scenario you are in?
janolMemberCan you please post a new version of MyEclipse 7.1.1 bundled together with Pulse 2.4.1. People who are behind a corporate firewall cannot get this update automatically (poweredbypulse.com is blocked) and so we cannot add any other plug-ins to MyEclipse.
I will get back to you on the version request for MyEclipse 7.1.1 with Pulse 2.4.1. I hope you know the MyEclipse /dropins usage to add plugins. In MyEclipse installation directory, you will have dropins folder. You can copy and paste plugins & features of the plugin you want to integrate with MyEclipse. This is just another way to add plugins to MyEclipse.
janolMemberI tried “dropins” feature and unfortunatelly it does not work until all “required” libraries are updated (which is currently Pulse 2.4.1) I tried it before and it worked fine until an update for Pulse 2.4.1 appeared in MyEclipse Dashboard. Now I can’t add plug-ins either from Internet (blocked by firewall) or via dropins. Please post MyEclipse without Pulse or a latest version with the latest version of Pulse as soon as it is available.
roboMemberI can’t believe you tried to use Steam as a comparison. Steam is for “gaming”. MyEclipse is for “programming”. When Steam is down I lose game time. No big deal. When MyEclipse is down I lose programming time. VERY HUGE DEAL!!!!
This is the problem with MyEclipse’s attitude toward this problem. This is business and you just screwed a lot people out of a lot of time with no way back. You put them into the position of having to decide what to do going into the future. This includes thinking about Eclipse (is that going Pulse as well?), Intellij IDEA (great product and now probably worth the price), or something else.
Pulse was announced sometime in 2007 I believe. You’re into year 2 so you should have all this worked out by now. Genuitec should not be deploying any “excuse” for Pulse. Just give the customers what they want and NEED to do their job!!! Why is that so hard for Genuitec to understand?
jibbaMember@christweekie – Having spent part of my career in Customer Service/Help Desk I feel comfortable saying that you walked right into that one. Robomon makes the point well – though I tried to draw a line for the purposes of explaining where Genuitec was going with the Steam implementation, you should have left it there. Who cares how long it took a gaming platform to figure out how to maximize my leisure time entertainment?? This is business. We have clients and managers with expectations. That helpdesk experience also tells me that the Genuitec testing philosophy is flawed. If you are implementing a feature that is difficult to manage behind such differences in firewall configurations…why bother? Who do you think your customers are? I’m not trying to kill the messengers here, but get the point back to the decision makers…we just want a tool that works. For all of us. Every time. It used to.
Yves BlouinMemberPulse behind a firewall on 7.1 doesn’t work and is a pain. Architecturally this may have made sense but from a user friendliness point of view this is a major step behind.
JimMemberI agree – there should ideally be two versions. One with Pulse. One without. Otherwise you are beta testing using my time.
Today I’ve spent about 3 hours updating to 7.1 because I thought my older plugins would work with the ‘dropins’ folder.
No. Don’t work. Now have to roll back once again to older version. So probably almost a whole day wasted.
I REALLY like the Pulse idea but don’t think it’s ready for prime time yet.