I am maintaining a large J2EE project with hundreds of JSPs that are all written in non-xml style using an earlier version of MyEclipse. All import statements are like this:
<%@ page import=”java.sql.Date” %>
But since I upgraded to ME 6.0 M1, all auto-complete import tags (even on JSPs that are not in xml format) are looking like this:
<jsp:directive.page import=”java.sql.Date”/>
Naturally, my orion application server doesn’t like the latter mixed with the old style. I can’t change hundreds of JSPs to xml format and I don’t want to manually change every single import statement before deploying my code.
Is there a way to make MyEclipse format the auto-complete imports the old style? I am even happy with a plugin like <ctrl><shift><O> to optimize imports if there is something like that.
Help! Thanks!