- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 7 months ago by
Haris Peco.
DanMemberOk I’ve seen various posts indicating that myeclipse generates the .. id generator incorectly, and it seams the defacto solution is to simply change:
<generator class=”sequence”>
<generator class=”sequence”>
<param name=”sequence”>account_id_seq</param>
</generator>I still get the now get the error:
nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation “account_id_seq” does not existnow..I my tables in defined within a schema I’m guessing that may be part of the problem..but not sure..anyways here some more info below..
any help will be greatly appreciated.some more info:
xml snippit from the ‘account xml file’
<class name=”com.bn.dao.Account” table=”account” schema=”foobar”>
<id name=”idaccount” type=”long”>
<column name=”idaccount” />
<generator class=”sequence”>
<param name=”sequence”>account_id_seq</param>
</id>SQL Generation script:
CREATE TABLE foobar.Account (
, date_created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
, date_lastLogin TIMESTAMP
, firstname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL
, lastname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL
, displayname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT UQ_Account_DisplayName UNIQUE
, password VARCHAR(32)
, zip INT8
, idStatus INT4 NOT NULL
, idsession VARCHAR(128)
, PRIMARY KEY (idAccount)
, CONSTRAINT FK_Account_1 FOREIGN KEY (idStatus)
REFERENCES foobar.statuscode (idstatus)
Haris PecoMemberdshopkins ,
You have to generate sequence account_id_seq
Best ragards
DanMemberSure Enough, that appears to work..
ps. (doing this on mysql I never had to generate the sequence, is there a particular reason why hybernate/mysql would not require this step vs hybernate/postgres?)
Haris PecoMemberdshopkins,
I don’t sure if mysql have sequence at all – you have used ‘auto increment’ feature or some other hibernate generator. This isn’t problem because you can use ‘auto increment’ easier
Postgresql have auto increment feature , too – you define column with serial or bigserial (or check ‘auto increment’ in MyEclipse M1/M2 table wizard and postgresql will automatic increment values.In hibernate you have to choose identity generator for this feature in postgresql.
Postgresql server make internal sequence for every ‘auto increment’ columns, because haven’t ordinal ‘auto increment’ like mysql, but for user it’s same
This isn’t related with MyEclipse at all – MyEclipse use what database servers offerBest regards
DanMemberExcelent, I see now, I simply did not define table with the correct data type.
So to double check:
Your saying if I simply define the column of idAccount to be of type serial, or bigserial, that the value will auto-increment automagically. (I suspect postgres will just under the hood create the sequence and and differ to values in their).If i do this then what type of generate do I select when generating the hibernate objects? (native?)
thank you again for your quick responses 🙂
Haris PecoMemberI suspect postgres will just under the hood create the sequence and and differ to values in their).
you can check postgres catalog – when you make table t with column c type serial postgres will create sequence t_c_seq or better, check manual
If i do this then what type of generate do I select when generating the hibernate objects? (native?)
I told you in previous message : identity
best regards