
Not creating entitybean as Abstract class[closed]

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  • #233388 Reply


    public class EmployeeBean implements EntityBean {

    Not creating entitybean as Abstract class. I have to modify class signature after code generation to:

    public abstract class EmployeeBean implements EntityBean {

    I’m using 4.0M2 release.

    #233453 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Why should EmployeeBean be abstract, I am not following…

    #233479 Reply


    If you are using CMP, the Bean implementation class is supposed to be abstract. Because the appserver will extend your bean implementation and provide the real implementation. So is there any problem in just make your EmployeeBean class abstract?

    #233715 Reply


    Sorry I was not selecting the option in “Select the type of the EJB CMP1.1 CMP2.x BMP” because by default both CMP1.x and CMP2.x were selected.

    It doesn’t generate abstract entity is this case. but if you select any of the CMP option it generates the code properly.

    #233777 Reply


    @krajnish wrote:

    Sorry I was not selecting the option in “Select the type of the EJB CMP1.1 CMP2.x BMP” because by default both CMP1.x and CMP2.x were selected.

    This was an issue with the EJB Entity bean wizard in 4.0M2. This is already fixed in our internal builds and will be fixed in the 4.0M3 release.

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