
odd behavior while starting weblogic through ide

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  • #221912 Reply


    When I start weblogic 8 from eclipse the ide switches to debug mode and stops somewhere in java.lang.Integer.parseInt(…). I have NOT set a breakpoint in this class. Any ideas? How can I stop this from happening? I have tried to toggle the breakpoint on and off to try to stop it. I’m not sure what else to do.

    Version: 3.8.3

    Version: 3.0.1
    Build id: 200409161125

    #221914 Reply


    Is there a NumberFormatException being thrown at the time of execution stop or some other uncaught exception? There is a setting under Preferences > Java > Debug for stopping execution on uncaughtexecptions. Just an idea.

    Can you print the whole debug stack trace along with the rest of the information in the Posting Guidelines

    Also, does anything in the FAQ entry help? http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-18.html#97

    #221920 Reply


    OS: windows xp
    eclipse was freshly installed for myeclipse
    running eclipse with j2sdk 1.4.2_05
    starrting weblogic 8 with j2sdk 1.4.2_05
    – How many plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory are like org.eclipse.pde.* : 8 of them

    Thread [main] (Suspended (exception NumberFormatException))
    Integer.parseInt(String, int) line: 436
    Integer.<init>(String) line: 609
    InetAddressCachePolicy.<clinit>() line: 77
    InetAddress.<clinit>() line: 572
    WLServerLogRecord.<init>(Level, String) line: 46
    NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Constructor, Object[]) line: not available [native method]
    NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 39
    DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 27
    Constructor.newInstance(Object[]) line: 274
    MessageLogger.createLogRecord(Level, String) line: 143
    MessageLogger.log(String, Object[], String) line: 52
    ConfigLogger.logStartingAdministrationServer() line: 381
    Admin.createInstance() line: 1390
    T3Srvr.initializeHere() line: 770
    T3Srvr.initialize() line: 670
    T3Srvr.run(String[]) line: 344
    Server.main(String[]) line: 32

    #221921 Reply


    There was a NumberFormatException but toggling the uncaught exception debug option did not fix the problem.

    #221929 Reply


    Does the server start up and operate normally if you switch the server to “Run Mode” under Preferences > MyEclipse > Application Servers > WebLogic 8 > Launch page?

    #221954 Reply


    Yes. Thanks.

    #221955 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    I’d try disabling all breakpoits using the toolbar button on the top of the Breakpoints View. It looks like a blue sphere. With all breakpoints disabled, does the problem persist in Debug mode?

    #224482 Reply


    You probably have a virus that writes its address in where Java caches the IPs. So no matter what name you resolve it to the IP that this virus previously written down. Run virus scanners and anti spyware then reinstall your java.

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