- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by
Aaron Scifres.
Aaron ScifresMemberHello,
I am deploying an app from MyEclipse Blue 7.5 to a WAS 6.1 server connector. This app contains a couple of EJB jars that use Container Managed Persistence. These jars are present in the root directory of the EAR project that I am deploying to the server connector, and are properly referenced in the application.xml. However, I am finding that the jar file that gets deployed (in Exploded mode) to my WAS 6.1 profile in installedApps is not the same as the jar file from my EAR project. It appears that the deploy process is somehow interrogating the jar and adding additional configuration data and generated classes to interact with what it thinks is the correct backend ID (this is the only explanation I can think of). The jar that ends up in the deployment location contains an extra directory under META-INF/backends for the wrong backend ID, along with a new directory under websphere_deploy within my class file packages for that same wrong backend ID. I can only guess that it is somehow deriving this information from the JDBC driver, but I am really baffled by this one. If I manually copy the jar from my workspace to my profile deployment directory after I deploy, the app works, but if I try straight after deployment, I get DB mapping errors. Anyone have any ideas as to what might be going on here?
Can you share your project with us? You can send a mail to support@genuitec.com. Please add ATTN: Shalini in the subject and refer to this thread. Also can you list out the steps to reproduce the issue. This will help us replicate the issue internally.
Aaron ScifresMemberI’m afraid it’s not practical for me to share the project with you. It’s part of a very complex workspace that contains a huge amount of proprietary code. However, I have done some detective work into the deployment process while trying to figure out another issue, and have some ideas about what generally could be happening here. I will be posting that in a new thread shortly because it is really a different (yet related) issue.
Aaron ScifresMemberThe other thread has been posted as “errors deploying to WAS 6.1”. The two step process I describe in that thread (involving two temporary EARs in two different locations) appears to be extracting the JARs and changing their contents as judged appropriate by whatever code is invoked by the jacl scripts. I hope this will provide a little more insight into what’s happening. In the meantime I will try to reproduce one or both of my problems with a trivial workspace that I can send to you.