
One-click app server start

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  • #239151 Reply


    Please, please, please modify your app server start menu so that if there is only one app server configured then a single click on the app server toolbar icon will start/stop the server. Three clicks plus mouse moves in between performed thousands of times = RSI !!!!!

    My guess is that this excellent upgrade wouldn’t take your programmer more than a few hours to implement (possibly much less), but would save your users untold millions of mouse clicks.


    #239162 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This request has been asked for many times before. Although I would add in 90% of the cases where people are asking for this, it turns out they aren’t using Exploded Deployment/Hot Syncing or Context reloading of their app server correctly so they are totally unaware of the fact that they don’t usually need to restart between changes.

    If you are aware of all this and know you cannot avoid the restart, then I’ll just ask you hang in there. We are planning to revamp how app servers are launched in 5.0

    #239194 Reply


    Hmmm – surpised to hear that 90% of the folks out there don’t know that the files are hot-sync’d. I guess I’ll have to wait until 5.0.

    #239195 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you are using Tomcat, you can keep the Tomcat Manager open and just click the “reload” button for your context when you need to restart it, this is something I feel in love with long before finding hot sync in MyEclipse and really helped me maintain sanity.

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