
Open Declaration on Interfaces

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  • #291286 Reply

    Steve Prior

    I’ve been reading a lot of code lately in which Open Declaration on a method ends up showing you an Interface which doesn’t really tell me what I was looking for, so then I’ve got to find the class which implements the interface to browse the real code behind the method. If you know the method is on an interface you can bring up the type hierarchy and then find the method, but this is also a bit klunky.

    I think a really great new feature might be along the lines of when you select Open Declaration and Eclipse knows it’s going to show you an Interface have it show you a list of classes which implement the interface and then when you select one of them it would bring you to that method definition in that implementing class.

    Does this sound good to anybody?

    #291295 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sounds very handy… you might try filing this for the JDT team, I think it would get a bit of support, maybe a 3.5 thing?

    Quick Ref: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/query.cgi?format=advanced

    #291297 Reply

    Steve Prior


    in case anyone wants to vote for it.

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