
opening a browser page from eclipse using jboss3.2.7

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  • #232857 Reply



    i need to open html pages in a browser window IE 6.0 through code from an eclipse ide which is using jboss3.2.7.
    i have already deployed the pages on jboss and it is working fine..what i need to do is open these pages on browser when user presses F1…
    could anyone plz help me in this..im stuck! 🙁

    #232885 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I don’t follow, are you developing an Eclipse plugin?

    #232951 Reply


    let me explain..actually im in the process of developing a project in opensource using eclipse ide..a part of this project is developing a context-sensitive help when user presses F1 on any of the user interfaces that are part of application.
    what i hav not been able to find is what functions/code to use to retreive the pages from server(jboss) and show them on a browser window when the application is runnin n da user presses F1.. ..i hav the help pges deployed on jboss,also hav the input and action maps in place…now wat to do!

    #232973 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev, this is not an ME issue.

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