
Opening a connection in DB Explorer fails

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  • #235810 Reply


    I am using a MySQL database and I have configured a connection profile using the same URL, driver, username, and password which I use for my Hibernate connections. Unfortunately when I try to open the DB Explorer the connection fails with an error telling me

    Error while trying to login to database:
    Access denied for user ‘admin@localhost’ (using password: YES)

    Can anyone suggest where I should look for further information as to why this isn’t working?

    This username/password works fine when I use it with Hibernate in hibernate.properties, and I can open a MySQL console window using the username/password as well. I am using the same URL and driver specified in hibernate.properties as well, so I don’t see where it is that I’m going wrong.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


    #235820 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is the DB installed locally on the same machine you are developing on? MySQL is extremely picky not only about its permissions but also where you connect from, I’ve never had an install I didn’t have to monkey with for a good 20mins before I was off and running.

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