
opening jsp and get errors

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  • #319789 Reply

    Env :
    OS = Ubuntu 11.04 64 bit
    MyEclipse : 9.1 64 bit for Linux
    When I open a .jsp file which is JSF based, I ge the following errors

    at com.genuitec.eclipse.jsf.wizards.NewJSFSupportMainWizardPage.initWebAppControl(NewJSFSupportMainWizardPage.java:411)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.jsf.wizards.NewJSFSupportMainWizardPage.createWebappControls(NewJSFSupportMainWizardPage.java:242)
    at com.genuitec.eclipse.jsf.wizards.NewJSFSupportMainWizardPage.createControl(NewJSFSupportMainWizardPage.java:189)
    at org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard.createPageControls(Wizard.java:170)

    Any ideas ?

    #319813 Reply



    Can you open the same file with other editors, such as the MyEclipse JSP Editor or the Text Editor? Does it happen for all of your JSF based JSP files?

    I can’t replicate it here but the stack trace might indicate something odd about your project or file. Is the file physically in the workspace? It might be worth trying a fresh workspace and importing your project into it, then trying again.

    Let me know if any of these suggestions work.

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