
Option to JAR EJB in J2EE Exploded Deployment

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  • #221216 Reply

    The recent utility jar improvement in J2EE project deployment rocks. It is just what I needed. However, one small issue with EJB modules remains.

    I would like the option to JAR my EJB projects instead of deploying them in exploded format when I deploy an exploded J2EE project. With this option I won’t have to modify my web.xml file <ejb-link> values.

    In “exploded-project-mode” WebLogic (and perhaps app servers) throws an exception when I try to use a local EJB from a web project. This is caused by the ejb-link value being set to point at a jar file.
    For example:


    Currently I have to remove the .jar from the link definitions to enable access to the beans.

    This is not a huge deal, but it would be a handy option. (IMHO, anyways…)

    Thanks for considering it,

    #221262 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for the suggestion. I passed it by one of the devs who thought it was a good idea and shouldn’t be too horrible to supoprt since we have some infrastructure in place that we can leverage to implement this. I have file the item and hopefully should make it into a release of ME soon.

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