Hi guys,
I’ve been busy setting up a simple j2ee project and trying to get it deployed on Oracle 9iAS. I’ve created a simple stateless session bean with relevant xdoclet:
* @ejb.bean name = “TestBean”
* type = “Stateless”
* display-name = “Test”
* description = “Test EJB”
* view-type = “remote”
* jndi-name = “test/sejb/TestBean”
* @ejb.interface remote-class = “test.sejb.Test”
When I run the Xdoclet generator, it creates the orion-ejb-jar.xml file, but it doesn’t generate the attributes for “location” (ie jndi-name), etc. This is the generated deployment descriptor:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!DOCTYPE orion-ejb-jar PUBLIC “-//Evermind//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 runtime//EN” “http://xmlns.oracle.com/ias/dtds/orion-ejb-jar.dtd”>
<orion-ejb-jar deployment-version=”″>
<!– Session Beans deployment –>
<session-deployment name=”TestBean”> <!– MISSING ATTRIBUTES HERE?–>
<!– Entity Beans deployment –>
<!– Message Driven Beans deployment –>
Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?