
Oracle App Server 10g (10.1.2) starts but not working.

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  • #346547 Reply

    Greg Geller

    Hi all,

    I just started a new job, and one of my duties is to support a legacy web application running on Oracle Application Server 10g ( I created the server in myEclipse and it seems to start up ok. When I try to access the web application, I get the message that the “Page cannot be displayed”. Looking further is says that “the remote device or resource won’t accept the connection.” Is there something I need to configure on the server?

    I would love to upgrade this to another application server, but I can’t.

    Thank you for any help!


    #346595 Reply


    Sorry that you are seeing this issue, can you please answer some more queries to help us investigate further :

    1) Can you please share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details ?
    2) Can you please mention the detailed steps on how you are deploying the application in the Oracle application server ?
    3) Can you please clarify if you are able to access the application from an external browser (Chrome/Firefox/etc)
    4) Can you please check if any errors are logged in the error log or in the console view ? If yes, please copy paste the stack trace to help us investigate further ?
    5) Can you please deploy your application on Oracle server outside of MyEclipse and check whether the application is deployed successfully and let us know if you can access the application from the browser ?

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