Hi all, I’m a well seasoned programmer of iSeries and Microsoft IIS vb sites, and have been studying Java over this past year, under excellent weekly tutor for six months at a software company. I’ve passed cert exams, but no real world Java exp. The soft company punted their efforts and I’ve since changed jobs. My new job has java app developed as outsource and they’ve punted that, and I’ve got my first assignment! I’m both fantastically ecstatic and fantastically tired, as cramming for my full time startup attention Jan 1. The first problem is performance. What do you think about this override to ActionServlet?
public MyActionServlet() {
System.out.println(“proyecto.web.MyActionServlet constructed”);
public void init()
throws ServletException {
try {
ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
DemonCoverages demon= new DemonCoverages(sc);
System.out.println(“proyecto.web.MyActionServlet DemonCoverages start”);
DemonPolicys demonP= new DemonPolicys(sc);
System.out.println(“proyecto.web.MyActionServlet DemonPolicys start”);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println(“Error in My action Servlet: ” + e.getMessage());