I realise you’ve been very busy with the release of the preview 2.1 but I’m in need of urgent assistance with getting a .p12 certificate. The private.key and .csr I generated to create my Apple Developer certificate and profiles are fine for MobiOne .ipas but unfortunately I have other needs for apis etc, that are asking for a .p12 and the private.key is unable to load and create in openSSL on windows. I could completely start again and generate another request .csr in openSSL rather use your generating service but it is very impractical. Can you please help?
The other thing is for the same reasons and submission to the App Store we need a .plist for each app. I read a topic somewhere here that suggested the .plist was generated at download from MobiOne’s App Center, but I’ve not received one with the .ipa I did the other day. Do you generate one normally?
Many thanks.