
Packaging a .WAR takes long time

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  • #258257 Reply


    Hi all,

    i don’t know the right place to post my question, but i hope that i can earn an info right here 😆 .

    I’ve the problem that packaging a .WAR in MyEclipse takes a long time. The WAR also includes some greater .JARs e.g. the connector-xmj.jar (11MB) from MySQL who takes about 10 minutes (!!!) on a 2GHz machine (WinXP).

    What’s going wrong, or is this behaviour normal? Any ideas ??



    #258333 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    How are you creating this JAR? Using File > Export, using the deployment manager and creating a packaged WAR or using an Ant script? Depending on the first two, when you try using the *other* method listed, is it any faster? Check your log file for exceptions during deployment, broken build path entries can sometimes cause long deploy times.

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